Text Tourette's
Also texing 1. Inability to refrain from sending text messages. 2. Texting things that are embarrassing or inappropriate.

On July 19 I was walking home, up some ungodly hill, from a soccer game. A boy chased me up this hill, out of breath, to chat me up and gives me his card. Flattering. And the texting tourettes begins:

Then, for the rest of the story, she refers to him as "Mr. Texting Tourettes"

Interests: ...deep conversation with jew face about sex and getting shitfaced lmfao, bubble fucking in the playhouse lol, getting the led out, BFC!!!!!, the french NOT!!!!!, thinking i have brain tumors, pancreatic cancer, stomach cancer etc, s-s-spelling stuff s-s-s-stutter style, me and megans long talk late at night, texting tourettes with max...

After a couple days, no call, no text. I knew it just didn’t work for the Principal. I was over the whole idea that men would ever be respectful enough to tell a girl that they're not interested in pursuing them. ... Then I got a random text regarding a leopard print snuggie for sale at Walgreens from the Principal. I laughed my butt off. ... Over the next two weeks we’d text occasionally. Kind of like he has a rare case of texting tourettes. I thought that was it, random contact to another person. Until he asked me out again. I couldn’t believe it. Maybe he is crazy!

Originally Posted by mert: I am genuinely scared of this. But don't worry I still act like a complete asshole, in fact last night she cried herself to sleep because I was being mean to her. It kills me inside but I feel like I have to do it ...

AJ replies: Beautiful. I haven't talked to mine in over a week and now she's got texting tourettes, crying about why I haven't called. Never go running after any girl, you will just end up the bitch

That’s a classic. The support against horse slaughter is overwhelming and yet, she wants to shove her BS down everyone throats. And the cultural arrogance of presenting lies to do it! I don’t know if all of you saw John’s comment on Horseback but I think this says it all. It was in regard to all the incoherent communications she’s been sending.

“I suspect Sue might represent the first documented case of Texting Tourettes Syndrome.”

dxBIGBOSSxb said: As an Italian, I hate when developers make WWII games and act like Italy didn't even exist during the war! We were? the second most powerful Axis power! Fuck Japan! (No offense to any Japanese who've fought or had family die in the war).

DStriker666 replied: Ya... I think an insult like "Fuck Japan!" Would be beyond repair. Bringing up the struggle just makes it all the more insulting, this coming from an Italian; Not like it matters. Why did you even bring up the Japanese while talking about Italia during the 2nd World War? You? brought it up as if you had texting tourettes syndrome...

It would be best if we did not have our culture raped by game developers and war times glorified... Solo dicendo bro.

He has texting Tourettes but I don't mind

He gets stuck in hateful traffic on a fairly regular basis

He writes a mean Roses are Red

I like him very much.

i am assuming were puttign our initials at the end here or do you have liek text tourettes or something


Yep, think a good time must have been had by all!

I grabbed my phone to see if I’d had text tourettes whilst ‘merry’ and found it to be dead.

Oh God that meant I’d done lots on it. Let’s just hope it was photos or Facebook!

Only one way to find out and that was to plug it in and wait!

But, once again, I am going off on a tangent. My point is, my own texting is so profoundly miserable, that is it any wonder when I start seeing all these strange little additives in my family's texting to me, that I at first mistake them for typos? I wasn't sure whether to think they were making fun of me, or I had finally rubbed off on all of them, but honestly, when you text someone real words, heavily sprinkled with various letter and symbol combinations, what's a girl to think? Text Tourettes?

I might have a text tourettes moment? here. Wait.. NO!


Aww, it's over. Sorry about that.

Below is an e-mail I wrote before going on a blind date. I enjoyed writing this more than I did the actual date, which I think says a lot. ... To be fair, early on I had my reservations, not least because he began most texts with the word, “Ha.” Seriously, I’m not joking. It made no sense, ”Ha. How are you this morning?” It was like a random form of text Tourettes.

drum XD said: sorry to ask, but do you have "text tourettes" as you seem to caps lock every few words

I know, I know. You all miss me desperately. I have been remiss in posting. Some call it laziness. Others call it busy. But I promise, I will be back. Because I have some disturbing dating stories to share. One of which includes an impromptu palm reading. And a little syndrome I like to call Text Tourettes.

Stay Dirty.

It's the texts though!! After the fifth one offering you some ridiculous price you're tempted to text back asking them which quarter of the car they want for that sort of money, then after the tenth text the text-Tourettes kicks in and you're wanting to call them a [CENSORED] but the auto correct keeps saying something about their Aunt.

It's just not worth it

I fear my text tourettes might rear its ugly head once again - but no, I must for once exert some self control!!!!

I have wondered if I have some form of ailment - a kind of 'tennis elbow' but instead its 'texters thumb'. Its crazy, when I'm bored, fed up, happy or have drunk a bottle of Cherry Lambrini the thumb gets twitchy!!!!

FFS - for f sake

LMAO - laughing my ass off

LOL - laugh out loud

FFFS - they have text tourettes!!!

Originally Posted by dudius: Why do you spread these lies? Do you wish for them to ban me?

reply by Th6r6a6sH: No of course not. That would be my text tourettes. I wish nothing of the banning sort on you and your funny shower clips.