Dr. Coop ... has sexual Tourette's, in which he acts out in inappropriate ways when he is nervous or stressed. In his case, he often grabs Nurse Jackie's boob when she is confronting him about something. It's funny, off-putting and puzzlingly endearing the first time, and surprisingly, it's even funnier, more off-putting and more endearing the next time.
Women who never cuss, women who say Fudge-sticks, and Gosh Darnit... these are the same type of women who throw around words like "fuck, bitch, ass, cock" during foreplay or sex.
And also, that she seems to suffer from an illness that I can only describe as Sexual Tourettes, in that, the other night when I was at a club with her, she met this very cute twenty-five year old, and within minutes had told him, “If I were ten years younger, I would so have fucked you.
It is called Sexual Tourette Syndrome (STS).
If you or a loved one have ever been on the verge of an orgasm and yelled out random expletives, body parts, vulgar names, or requested to be spanked, choked, rammed or uttered the term "beat it up", you may suffer from this disorder.
IGN: [Laughs] Okay, I know what Tourette’s is, but what is Sexual Tourette’s?
Akerman: Just really sexual words and actions in between normal life. I think it would be kind of hilarious to have a woman who goes through everyday life and then maybe she just sees someone and starts making out with them on the street, or starts to dry hump them or something. Then all of the sudden, she just goes back to normal. I think that would be kind of awesome.
She said the first few endearments were kind of nice and she let him know that he was headed in the right direction. Then the dam broke. “It was like sexual Tourette’s syndrome! All I heard was what he was going to lick, bite, suck and spank and for how long and with what intensity.”
Mirza says she has sexual Tourette’s, saying the wrong thing in social situations (“I’ve taken it up the arse a couple of times” to perfect strangers at parties), and thinks the British are far too PC
Hips swerving
as I ride
causing you to lose your mind
and echo obscenities
things like "I love you" and "This is my pussy"
and "I want to be my wife" and "Will you marry me?"
failing to realize
there are no emotional ties
Well Suella has sexual tourettes and I ONLY had barry white tourettes but now Suella has TAINTED me with her sexual tourettes and now I have a combination of BOTH, as if my life isn't hard enough, woe is me!!!
We have coined a new term based Taffy’s uncanny ability to turn almost anything, quite by accident I think, into sexual innuendo. She is a double entendre machine. I am not even sure she means to do it, but everything from ordering coffee, to buying a souvenir, to buckling her seatbelt is fraught with risque suggestion. We have decided she has a pronounced case of Sexual Tourettes.
She can always make you laugh, has a great accent, and crazy slang to go with it. Oh and she has sexual tourettes!
... Katie's kind of got a foul mouth, which reassures me because immediately that eliminates eighty percent of the guys who would fall in love with her , because although guys like to fuck foulmouthed girls, they don't really care to take them home to Mom, where she could start spouting off like she's got sexual tourettes or something, talking about dicks at the dinner table.
My roommate said the funniest thing a little while ago. She said I must have Sexual Tourettes because I make sexual comments and jokes in the presence of my female friends (and sometimes others). Hilarious!!!
Oookay, what is up with all the circle jerk talk? Seriously. It doesn't offend me in the least, yet, it does strike me as a bit bizarre coming from mentalities that are supposed to be holier than thou and spiritualized-Holy-Ghost-led-don't-think-naughty-thoughts-or-touch-yourself-sexuality.
Is this a form of repressed sexual tourettes syndrome?
What they say about European men is completely true. They don’t have any restraint when it comes to addressing women. My friends and I have decided they have a medical condition–Sexual Tourettes. ... Sexual tourettes infects all males in Greece, even the cops.
Somehow tonight while I was hangin' out with Sondy we started talking about my sexual tourettes and breasts and running and Sondy made a comment about my pendulous lesbian breasts. Hmmm...if I WAS in fact a lesbian I'd like to think I'd have big boobies like Beth Chapman - Dog, the bounty hunter's wife. Mmmm...pendulous!!
You worry that once again your sexual tourettes will get the better of you and you will offend someone else with another reference to a crudely named cocktail: another acknowledgement that we are grown women who have sex and don’t have to pretend that life is a one dimensional round of laundry and lavender.
Paul Stag is quite possibly the most foul mouthed porn star in the world. He is an encyclopedia of erotolalia and might have sexual Tourettes.