Religious Tourette's
1. Inability to refrain from quoting religious scripture, or from bringing up religion in conversation. 2. Using religious (revered) words when swearing.

Religious Tourettes; what one gets when failing at launching properly - off huge downed Redwood, while mtn biking in Demo. #aliveAndWell

A new study has concluded that the well known genetic disorder may have given extra impetus to conflicts around the world which might otherwise have simply gone away.

Professor Gordon Twinkworth, the author of the study, explained, "We have found a rare example of [Tourette's] which only affects really ambitious, motivated people, you know, precisely the sort of people who go on to become political or religious leaders. What marks this out from normal Tourettes is that it seems to adapt to the conversation, is not random, and generally has a religious slant."

Games We Play #1:

Religious Tourettes.

In a classroom, hallway, library, etc., yell Biblical names randomly. The object of the game is to be so loud and rude that innocent bystanders feel the need to give you a dirty look. Whoever gets a dirty look last is the loser.

While I’m sure Driscol won’t go so far as to say America is destined to destroy Islam (I hope), we are still left with his statement. If only it were a bad case of religious Tourettes and it could all be chalked up to crazy old Driscol doing his controversial thing. But no. He actually means it and gives a couple of verses to support him.

But while Sherine is clearly well meaning, it was the behaviour of a group at the back that revealed the atheists' true colours. When the bishop stood up to talk, they heckled him from the back, with what sounded like religious Tourettes Syndrome. Crusades! Inquisition! they exclaimed. I can only assume that happy hour had just finished in one of the pubs round the corner.

It was impossible to shake him from his beliefs. I then found myself in the position of Basil Fawlty telling everyone at the hotel ‘not to mention the war’ when a group of Germans were staying there and I developed a specialised form of ‘religious tourettes’. Pretty well every third sentence involved ‘For Christ’s sake’…. ‘Jesus!’… ‘Christ on a bicycle’ or some variant on the phrase when my cousin ‘revealed’ some more truths from his biblical researches.


That has nothing to do with Pope Urban. Readers of this thread will note that any sort of proof of your allegations has been requested many, many times and you blithely ignore those requests while you make more inane assertions. It's as if you have religious tourettes.

I remember watching this video that had some fatass with a speaker going around and yelling "BIBLE", like some form of religious tourettes. Very, very ignorant.

And amusing~

ANYONE can be judgemental~

He starts off rather poorly with his usual anti-religious tourettes problem including an interview with a completely clueless African bishop, however thankfully he soon moves on to what he is good at, explaining evolutionary biology for the lay person. As usual I cannot fault him when he has his zoologists/educators hat on. I just wish he didn't accompany it with so much other ignorant rhetoric!

I am not obsessed with FRIZ anymore, nor my own cult of personality, but I do feel a bit like the guy and the girl at that party when people inappropriately interject jesus and god into every conversation like religious tourettes. Yawn.

Reading your message I don't get why you're deleting. Lots of life left, excellent RP and awarded thusly. Bored? It's a real shame you're deleting. Tribs need good people right now and most, it's sad to say, are not around enough, not nearly enough. Liked your RP tons, though it seemed you soothsayed at some awkward times. Almost like a religious tourettes, not that thats a bad thing... BALLS!!!....

I like to think of this as religious tourettes. It’s a part of the vocabulary of phrases that we all have that just come out. “Bless your heart” is very typical here in the south. I don’t think every time I hear that they truly mean they want to bless my heart. Same is true with sneezing, when someone says “bless you.” When I whack my foot on a table, I say “god damn it.” Think of them as colloquialisms, or even just as stupid shit people say out of habit.

Its been a crazy week. This week I have run into a few religious people that just IRKED me!

At a hair appt. an older woman sitting next to me kept spouting out parts of revelations everytime my hairgirl and I were talking about ANYTHING. She was a very sweet woman, but my first thought was.."is there such a thing as religious tourettes?!" Out of respect for her age I didnt say anything.

Maradona blesses himself furiously in the quickest-ever decade of the rosary, mocked by Andy Townsend back in the studio as “religious tourettes.” I’m sure Townsend would be just as brave in insulting Islam.

Then he’d look away and mumble pieces of scripture to himself, much as I had with the song lyrics months ago, whereas I was trying to see if I could get a reaction and I swear he couldn’t help it. It was like some kind of religious tourettes.

Not that he was showing the religious Tourettes so readily displayed by a generation of South Americans, more that he was obviously looking for solace somewhere.

There is a weird "church" in the next room to us at work and we can hear some loon shouting about Jesus. It's like some form of religious tourettes - it kind goes quiet for a bit and then BLAH BLAH BLAH OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST!!!! I wonder if they've put the bad stuff in the lemonade yet?!