After playing a bunch of clips of Glenn Beck comparing things (from ACORN to the Peace Core) to Nazi Germany, Lewis Black says with a wave of his hand, "Glenn Beck has Nazi Tourettes." Then raising his mug to drink says, "my goodness... this is delicious - HITLER!" Then turning to Jon, "That's a lovely tie you're wearing Jon - GOEBBELS!"
Rep. Eric Massa tells MSNBC’s Ed Schultz that he is tired of the hypocrisy of former Vice President Dick Cheney and Sen. Jim DeMint on national security. "... this man suffers from a horrible case of political Tourette's... and it's about time that we stand up and kick right back 'cause I'm sick and tired of him kicking us in out shins"
All this is speculation, of course. I think chances are good that this is little more than a President with "political Tourettes Syndrome," blurting out an unconsidered smart-ass joke in what he thought was safe company.
Twice this weekend, I found myself bursting out into profane rants in public about irritating media-leftist-bullshit...
AUSTIN, Texas -- Spring fever is taking a weird form this year. Politicians say nice things for political reasons and then revert with a vengeance -- a sort of political Tourette syndrome, they can't help what they say.
Mitt’s [Romney] spate of Michiga-centric gaffes in receding in the rear-view mirror, but his Blunt Amendment screwup is keeping alive fears that he has some sort of secret death-wish or political Tourette’s Syndrome.
Before she developed her famous campaign discipline, there was one thing about Hillary Clinton that used to render me utterly apopleptic: She has something akin to political Tourette's Syndrome. Lord knows, it can't be easy to have your any stray word worked-over by a 24/7 media, but she still stood out for occasionally blurting out surprisingly inappropriate sentiments.
That Santorum was able to lose Michigan to a guy who argued for letting Detroit go bankrupt is just testament to his awfulness as a candidate. Attacking JFK over separation of church and state? Contraception is not okay? All Santorum had to do was to keep pounding the message that he delivered in his Iowa victory speech and he could have won easily. But, like Bono said, he has political Tourette’s.
After dabbling in some medical literature, I have reluctantly come to the conclusion that certain right-wing brethren in the new order are suffering from a new disorder. They are suffering from what I can only describe as Political Tourette's Syndrome.
But, from what I have seen of Middle Eastern culture, I would suggest that in many cases, this language of incitement is nothing more than self-satisfying froth, a kind of media-savvy political Tourettes, whereby those who make such statements relieve their frustrations and confusions by deploying what amounts to non-literal rhetorical ejaculation.
You have to hand it to Reid. He has cojones the size of his considerable ego. He calls for the up or down vote after "tabling" both Republican bills without up or down votes. Then he turns around and filibusters his own bill, moving the "artificial" August 2nd deadline one day closer. It makes me wonder if this guy doesn't have political Tourettes.
I have political tourettes, so please don’t poke the 800 pound gorilla in the room. When/if you ever meet me, it will all become clear to you.
The aforementioned polls actually conclude that polling is ridiculously biased and divisive. President Obama is not a liberal and neither party fared well after the world witnessed our country in the midst of political Tourettes.
So we’ve had The War Against Terror. What next from the lexicon of political Tourettes? The Covert Union of Nomadic Terrorist Syndicates? The Brotherhood of Operatives Lacking Love Of Christian Kindred States? The Association of Roaming Sectarian Entities With Ideas Perpetually Evil? Eh? Eh? Eh?
I suffer slightly from Political Tourettes (with due apologies for any offensive misnomer). I shout and curse at any disreputable public figure I happen across (eg Frank Chapple, Lord Longford, Lord Archole) so maybe it's just as well I wasn't there.
It's like this man has political tourettes - everything he has to say is deranged partisan crap.
Any religious folk on the blog might want to offer up some prayers that tony gets a chance to go off-script about this in the next few days. He’s definitely having to toe a narrow line at the moment, and a bout of political tourettes could be entertaining.
The Clinton's are nasty people. Bubba has social skills and appeal to mitigate overt anger, but Hillbag does not. She is about (thumb and forefinger spaced 1/5" apart) this close to acting like someone with political Tourettes Syndrome.
The other day I received a private message on facebook that said: "You post like you have political tourettes." Not knowing the person who messaged me this very well....I was not sure whether it was meant to be funny or a back handed insult. Either hit me as hysterical and I laughed myself into a coughing fit that almost made me pass out.