Keyboard Tourette's
1. Using innapropriate language in texting, comments, or other kinds of posting. 2. Using certain kinds of characters without regard for thier meaning, such as random use of upper-case letters (which indicates yelling). 3. Tendency to create embarrassing typos.

Hi Guys,

First of all, today’s post is not a rant. I have been informed that when I rant, I swear too much. Your probably thinking, ‘But I like your swearing, your swearing’s cool, where’s your swearing’?

But I agree with the fact I have been swearing too much.

Chuck Mushett said: I can't help it, my keyboard just blurts out those words randomly. Must be the dreaded Keyboard Tourettes Syndrome.

We need to start a revolution to #BanTheCapslock key. I hate when I hit it by accident and START YELLING. Like keyboard Tourettes.

I have noticed in the past two weeks that my keyboard does not al wx./;,nfs (always) type what I wx./;,nt (want) it to. That first sentence is an example of what my keyboard replaced 'always' and 'want' with, it just did it! ... It's driving me up the wall! I'd be grateful for ay advice. It's like having keyboard tourettes!

MrTomsuperman: Everybody these gun that this guy uses? is from mw3

TheHonestGypo in reply to MrTomsuperman: do you have like Keyboard tourettes or something, because you cant type for? shit!!!

KharmaDog: I wonder if she ever thinks about what she's typing, or if she just blurts it out. It's like watching someone with Keyboard Tourettes Syndrome

djblade311: its election time...emotions are high, opinions and complaints are coming out and keyboard tourettes and electronic seizures have sky rocketed!

He preaches, if that’s a suitable description, a kind of “live for the now” philosophy which I find disturbingly similar to a “take no thought for the morrow” approach of a slightly better know Jewish carpenter. ... Well, maybe that’s just my opinion, but with vacuous statements like “stillness is the only thing in the world that has no form”, I’m just happy that my previous sentence was typed without my bullshit induced, keyboard tourettes kicking in.

I have keyboard tourettes.



As a friend of Dan, I would say this. I have known him for over 20 something years. Believe me, before everyone had computers, we wrote by old fashioned pin and paper for many years. He was the same on paper as he is now on computer. So his "keyboard tourettes" were no different then his pin and paper tourettes. He is a totally different man however when he is in person.

anyway enough of my keyboard tourettes..

catch you all laters and maybe online :drunk

looking for an intelligent woman to chat to , I'm a modest man but I will make you pee yourself within minutes of talking to me. That's no idle boast , I have had folks need oxygen in my hilarious company! i HAVE KEYBOARD TOURETTES btw, stupid caps lock! I aint deleting as I never go back , NEVER

Edit: If you are over the age of 12, please stop TyPiNg LiKe ThIs. It makes you look like you have keyboard tourettes. Thank you.

“BRZ” is marketing speak for “Boxer Rear-drive Zenith” and will be seen at the Frankfurt Auto Show in “BRZ Prologue Technology Concept” guise. Yes that is the actual name, I did not randomly develop keyboard tourettes. Clunky name aside, the BRZ will hopefully look like a winner when it debuts in Frankfurt.

HirabistHunter: LOL!!? Someone hacked IAYT's account? I doubt it -- he's just got keyboard tourettes I'm guessing.

JimmyCrackCornX: That? seems to be going around lately.

T. Shaw says: Thanks for moderating. We wouldn’t want any keyboard tourettes outbursts.

Mourinho' team at Inter, all said they preferred working under Rafa, I remember one player saying they could 'breathe again.

Porto are the exception I'll grant you, maybe I should have researched before my bout of keyboard tourettes ;D. But Porto don't have the competition the others have had, so perhaps they found it less of a struggle.

lesleypumpshaft: I also had to deactivate my account as I started feeling a bout of keyboard tourettes coming on. The evil part of me wanted to post offensive things just for the shock value and to have a cheap laugh :o

Really looking for the above classes, if you know or are this class, can stay sober for 3 nights a week, have not been diagnosed with keyboard tourettes and are more intelligent than Joska. Please, apply on forums

edit - i will accept the 'more intelligent than Joska' and overlook the other requirements.

k1ssme1m1r1sh: I've noticed now that the only reason I get mad after losses is because I have to read some of the THE stupidest posts this board has to offer. Which is why I lurk in shadows like dark wing duck, it keeps me from unleashing keyboard tourettes on the jack wagons

Kieran K, friend story: "this man was my first love, my last love, and my busbus! he had my chickens at the age of three, he ate my apple pie, and had a chindian (chianese/indian) army of horse ferrets CHIIIICKKKKEEENNNN DIIPPPPERRRRSSSS chunk fish clock fugde packin bocat pusher love ting..!!!! sorry, keyboard tourettes!"